Thursday, September 12, 2024

BRP Design Shortlist? How did this happen?

 At first I thought a friend was trolling me, but upon rereading I realized the email I got today confirms I I am shortlisted for the BRP design contest.

Politely rejected by Lynn Willis, 20 years ago, shortlisted today. Who would’ve thought? (Actually, Lynn’s handwritten message to me was so polite and caring. I treasured the memory of reading it.)

My proposal was for Nuna, which means land in the Inuit language. I was born and raised in goose Bay Labrador, a child lost between the white settler and Inuit worlds of my ancestors. When I encountered Michael Moorcock’s writings, the Ice schooner & the frozen expense scene of the eternal champion release stood out to me. These were adventures in the land I was from, of beautiful hot summers among the trees, contrasted by unending, frozen, and windy nights mid the snow drifts.

In Nuna, players take the role of Inuit, Vikings, whalers, and sorcerer scientists, exploring a post apocalyptic world that has fallen into frozen entropy. The setting itself is just as much a character as any PC or NPC, and preparing oneself for the environment is just as important as for any adventure or interaction

So thank you to the fine folks at the chaosium For selecting me. Honestly, the whole shortlist looks awesome.

Good luck everybody!

PS I wrote the proposal in the depths of depression as I was getting over a workplace stress, meltdown and being abandoned by my lover after months of counseling, I feel 10 times stronger than before, and this is fine vindication.


  1. Excellent news! It sounds fascinating. (I read The Ice Schooner as a teen and still have the book.)

    1. Cheers! I'll have to get on Thriftbooks and order a replacement, as my is lost in the whorls of time. I rememver sitting in the Memorial University library fervidly reading it while a blizzard raged outside.

  2. Outstanding! Congrats and good luck!

    1. Cheers! Now have to clear my inbox of two pesky academic writings so I can concentrate on Nuna!

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks for all the support. Have to get you a review copy when it is done.
