Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Stormbringer 1E Laughing Tower Session Reflection and Rules Clarification

Although the first session of Laughing Tower went swimmingly, due to my exhaustion I did not do an equal job the second time. I give myself a C and will do better in session three if the players are still up for it.

Such is life.

Anyway, inspired by the session, here are two rules clarifications I sent to players:

  1. 1) As for the Description (ie the 2 high or low attributes), once a session you can now invoke them for a Story effect when you are in a hopeless situation (ie imminent death or deadend in the scenario) that normal skills can't get you out of. Basically, roleplay something cool and believable, then tell me which attribute you are invoking and you can change something in the scene to your benefit. For example, last session, Maleia dropped to her knees before the tower guardian and pleaded, "Please spare my friend! If you kill him, you are not better than any Chaos beast!" To which he replied, "Drag your friend into the tower and begone!" There is no payback from the GM, just use a Description to move things along. Note it is not a superpower, so don't ask for the impossible.

  2. 2) As for the Life Purpose, let's say everytime you advance your goal, you get a point to use to either increase an attribute or buy a level in a skill. So since Soo got information from the Oracle about how to restore Melnibone, he gets a point to use as he wishes. There is no payback from the GM, just think about a way from what is happening to advance your goal.

  3. So these abilities don't exist in old school games, but I feel would add a lot. next session, feel free to try them out. I'll tell you whether it is appropriate, and there is no harm in trying.

Play report coming soonish!

By the way, the Chaos minor nobles the characters may meet next session look like this:

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