Hello readers!
Today is my birthday, I'm Level 52.
I suppose it's as good a time as any to set out my plans for this new(ish) year.
In a little under 30 days, my son and I will be getting on a plane back to Canuckistan.
I feel immense relief at the prospect, but not a little fear of how it will go.
Time to focus on the positive:
Business plans
1 Start a health business teaching Movement, Breathing, Strengthening, and Nutrition
2 Film and start selling video lessons on Discourse Analysis
3 Finish writing my Japanese textbook and horror novel
(Returning to academia is a plan for next year, if ever)
Life Plans
1 Set son up in a Canadian special ed
2 Get in the sort of shape that will hopefully let me stick around as long as I can for him
3 Reconnect with friends and family
(Mentally put the last 5 years far behind me)
1 On the backburner for now
2 Eventual return to Stormbringer redux project, completion
3 Start of regular face to face gaming
1 I wrote a script that might be turned into a movie, we'll see
2 Maybe play ukelele and sing at a few open mikes
We'll see
Wish me all the luck I wish you