Sunday, May 12, 2024

Call of Cthulhu Edition Changes

 So I've just found THIS thread that resumes how CoC has changed over the years.

TLDR, starting skill points has crept steadily upward:

1st Edition: 180 Skill Points (130 for Professional Skills and 50 for Personal Skills).

3rd Edition: 260 Skill Points (195 for Professional Skills and 65 for Personal Skills).

6th Edition: 390 Skill Points (260 for Professional Skills and 130 for Personal Skills).

7th Edition: Same as 6th Edition on average, although determined differently.

I think the last edition I played was 3E, and we were utterly useless and bumbling, so I don't think this will be a deal breaker.


  1. It's not the amount of skill points that makes CoC7e characters much less useless and bumbling, but the luck points, the lenient death rules, and the pushing mechanism.

    1. My only question, Tamas, is does that make the play experience better or worse?

    2. Pushing seems to, especially as it presents a choice with consequences.

  2. You can always change the skill point allotment of course depending on the type of game you want to run. If you think 390 on average is too competent reduce it or raise it if it's not competent enough. Cthulhu uses a system that's extremely easy to customize.
