Saturday, May 11, 2024

Prepping The Haunting

So I am preparing to run that perennial Call of Cthulhu starter adventure, The Haunting, to a bunch of newbies. Having never played it myself, it was a bit of a shock to find how vague and almost unfinished it is. It reminds me of B1 In Search of the Unknown for D&D in that the DM (or Keeper in this case) has to fill in the blanks with lots of the adventure details.

I am cool with that, and adding the following:

The realtor, Mr Falstaff, who calls the group together

Some red herring toughs hanging outside the house (but who are secretly connected to the disappeared reverend)

A tighter story for the events of the night when the family left the house, inspired by The Shining

A two page graphic guide to the adventure, as I can't keep all the details in my head. It is like those illustrated D&D scenarios that were big a few years back. If there is interest I may share it here.

I am using 6E as it is what I have and I can't be arsed to learn 7E at this point. Maybe in future. But as you know, I have a soft spot for older Chaosium products.

Session 0 is Tuesday, wish me luck!

Here is the message I sent them via SNS:

Telegram from Mr. B. Falstaff. Require assistance with one of my properties. Checkered history, cannot keep tenants. Possible gas leak or criminal activity will provide remuneration. Please meet at my office downtown Boston next week at your leisure.

Dated May 11, 1920

1 comment:

  1. Hi there. Curious to know why you opted to add Falstaff to your version of the adventure. Mr Knott didn't work for you, or is he still part of the adventure?
    I like that you wrote "Checkered history" in your telegram: a great invitation for players to look it up actually, and not simply go there immediately.
