Saturday, May 18, 2024

Cultivating Curiosity, Social Media, Session Zero, and Prepping Atmosphere in Call of Cthulhu

So my CoC game is coming together, with 4 players signed up. As I noted, they are all D&D players with little to no experience with CoC. One sent me this text:

Q: Can you recommend any prep reading on the game itself or should I just check youtube to see what it is all about? I have heard of it but never played

In keeping with the horror genre, I want them to come with a sense of wonder and mystery, so replied thus:

A: I would say avoid the rules, get out of that game you mindset and get into having an immersive experience. Go watch the thing or season four of true Detective. Read the original short story the call of Cthulhu or watch the movie Dagon. If you just roll with it, lots of amazing crazy stuff happens. So just be open-minded.

With their curiosity peaked, I began my Social Media campaign with the following message:

Telegram from Mr. B. Falstaff. Require assistance with one of my properties. Checkered history, cannot keep tenants. Possible gas leak or criminal activity will provide remuneration. Please meet at my office downtown Boston next week at your leisure.

I also sent this photo from an actual Boston haunted house.

My message was so successful that one player was completely duped and replied,

Q: So you off to Boston then?

To which I returned:

A: Dated May 11, 1920

(To be fair, we are all distracted middle aged working dads, so a little confusion is to be expected)

Another played leaned into the game and replied:

To the honourable Mr. B. Falstaff. It is fortuitous that I should find myself delayed in my return home to England. Were it otherwise I would surely have missed your telegram. I shall forego my intended departure and make arrangements to travel to Boston on the earliest train. Your Humble servant, H.W.

This message was from the chap who had played once before, so he was doing a great job getting into the spirit and setting an example for the others. I answered him.

Dear friend, Thank you for your prompt reply. It encourages me that this matter will soon be concluded in a mutually profitable manner. Please note that you will not have to carry out the investigation alone. I have contacted a small number of professional men, like yourself, and await their replies to form a team of a half dozen redoubtable investigators. My contacts include the follow specialists: Journalist Parapsychologist Professor Historian Antiquarian Author Private Investigator Dilettante Doctor Lawyer Clergyman, etc Their company should help you conclude the investigation in a swift and safe manner. My acquaintances should reply in the next few days, and I await with anticipation to see the final make up of the team on Thursday. B. Falstaff, realtor Boston, MS

I was pleased when another player, who had never done anything except D&D, followed suit:

To B. Falstaff. Have concluded my research on the early colonies and the Salem witch trials and am happy to have received your offer. Will travel to Boston to meet and discuss the property in question, as well as remuneration. Looking forward to another adventure and funds to keep this old soldier going for a few more months. Your servant, Robert Hollingsworth.

The player who had played before also added the following note.

My Dear Mr. Falstaff, while the idea of profit does not intrigue me in the slightest. I have been meaning to come home to Boston for some time now and the idea of “gainful employment” may satisfy my benefactor’s wish that I “make something of myself”. Thus I shall be pleased to meet you at your chambers in a fortnight. Yours in mystery, William Fairweather III

Sadly, two other players were sidelined by real life and missed session 0, but I had a great time catching up and running them through character generation. They later sent me historical photos of their characters.

William Fairweather III, dilettante

Robert Hollingsworth, former soldier

Going to be great fun in two weeks!


  1. Replies
    1. Doing my best, but one guy dropped out due to family so finger's crossed it goes ahead.
